MIXTAPE #2 for Time Traveling — Olympia Monthly

For May and our TIME ZONES  issue, we bring you a playlist of pop from the recent past: songs mostly about love, which are really all about time.

Like tuning your car radio dial to a secret signal, or finding a mixtape from the early aughts buried in a box of weird college "ephemera", this is a musical time travel through some favorites that never really made the charts.  It took a lot of restraint to leave this off, but we managed it - in favor of eternal Bob Dylan and that favorite among timeless favorites, Steely Dan.

So enjoy the feeling of time waves crashing over you, or something like that.

PS ! This month won't be a one-mixtape month: coming soon will be a super cosmic classical mix, traveling through time from the Medieval to Modern...

You can also listen to Mixtape #2 HERE on Spotify.

And again, if you'd rather, youtube links below, with some alternate renditions and a few omissions...

Enjoy! And share the Good Time Out of Mind Vibes...

xo, Lydia

