We can hardly believe it, but the cruelest month has come to the end, and along with it, we’ve put a wrap on our inaugural issue at Olympia Monthly.
As our name indicates (and because we celebrate the tides and moons, whether we like it or not), we’re on a monthly schedule around here. So, at the close of April, we’re excited to be switching gears. And as we speed joyfully into May, we are happy to present our second issue, a month-long exploration of literally all things related to TIME ZONES!
Image from Astronomie (1771) via the Internet Archive.
But just before we move on, we thought we would take a moment to reflect on this past month, which was chock full of GREY. We talked a lot about...
the cups and cups of Earl Grey we’ve had in our favorite tea houses
the feeling of being semi- and demi-gris
oysters galore and the oyster bars we’ve known
all sorts of grey gowns
and the (house) ghosts of Grey Gardens
... a veritable rainbow of greys?!
In Issue #2 - all the merry month of May long - we’ll continue talking about what quickens our breath and makes us giddy, but now all those things will have to do, naturally, with TIME ZONES: time traveling and getting lost in time, measuring seasons and distances, these ever-lengthening days, and those short transatlantic ocean flight nights.
This month, we’re also excited to continue to feature new contributions to our Traveling Light column from more amazing friends, idols, and fellow-travelers. And, believe it or not, we’ll be debuting an advice and etiquette column, called Dear Diana.
What were your favorite posts this past month?
You can check out the whole issue archived HERE!
And what do you think about when you think about TIME ZONES?
We can’t to hear from you… so please comment below or get in touch!
XO from Olympia,
Lydia & Barbara