It was too hard to think about beauty this past week, too much to ask of ourselves. At this remove - though our minds are as jammed as they've ever been with spinning wheels, and despite the fact that we're still not sleeping so great - not thinking about beauty is a kind of failure we are not prepared to admit.
No matter the degree of mankind’s self-directed cruelty, no matter how ugly the world, beauty persists too. Shallow and profound, personal, cultural, physical, intellectual, whatever: back to (beautiful) work.
We won't be so strict, over the coming months, about our monthly months. We will let our internet fields grow a little wild, allow our calendar to get loose and intuitive, our constellations of themes & thoughts to wax ever more expansive and inclusive. (Strict boundaries were never really our thing anyway.) We are ready to lay low and think for a bit, but also to burst out with whatever it is we want to say.
And we hope you will come along with us, too: we will be welcoming contributions from readers and friends, so please get to thinking, and get in touch with queries and ideas:
With love and hope, Barbara & Lydia